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MBA in Marketing

MBA in Marketing


MBA in Marketing has always been one of the top choices of MBA specializations for students and it opens many areas and job avenues for them. Students can explore the fields of media, entertainment, advertisement, promotions, sales, etc. With the growth and outreach of the internet, a major part of the overall focus of companies has been shifted to digital and online marketing in the past few years.

This has added another aspect to the wide world of marketing. While there are several specific areas of marketing, an MBA specializing in marketing does not restrict the degree holder and limit him/ her to pursuing marketing careers alone.

The skill set acquired in the tenure of the course can be put towards dozens of other career options, ranging from consulting to entrepreneurial management. MBA in Marketing has a duration of two years which is usually completed in four semesters or six trimesters in colleges. MBA in marketing is the ideal course for candidates who aspire for a job that takes on a diversified role in an ever-changing landscape.